
I am Back

Wow, it has been quite awhile since i updated this blog. I have been busy organizing Help-Portrait event and getting all the prints and frames ready. It is almost done. We have delivered the photos to Bethesda Mission Men's and Women's shelter. We still have some additional 8x10 photos to be delivered to Women's shelter once I got the photos delivered to me.

Anyway, Help-Portrait Harrisburg, PA event @ Bethesda Mission Men's and Women's shelters was a huge success. Everyone involved had a wonderful time. Those that have the portraits taken were so excited about it.

I would however say that I receive more than what we give to them. Here is the video recap of Help-Portrait Harrisburg, PA.

You can also find out more information, such as press coverage information and what other volunteers have written by going to helpportraithbg.com

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